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Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


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How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

How to Write a Killer About Me Page for Your Blog (Free Worksheets!)

Hey friends! I’ve got something important to talk about today: The “About Me Page” on your blog. Your blog’s “About Page” is likely to become one of the most useful and popular pages on your blog. Say what?! It’s where new readers visit to learn more about you and why they should stick around (and what’s in it for them!).

Psst, after you read how to create a killer about me page, I’ve shared how I turned my blog into a thriving business!

Crafting an A+ About Me Page requires more than throwing up a bio about yourself and adding an iPhone photo of your face. There are several steps you should take when creating an About Page, and today, I’m going to walk you through each of them, step-by-step, so that you can get the most benefit from this important page. Plus, writing about yourself is hard. This will make it a heck-of-a-lot easier. Can I get an amen?!

1. What value do you give your readers?

This one is a biggie, which is why I’m sharing it first. #seewhatididthere? Your About Me Page should be ALL about the value you give to your readers. Yes, people want to learn about you (we’ll get into that, too), but they also want to know how YOU are going to help THEM. So, before you start writing your About Page, get clear on what it is that makes your blog useful to your readers and who your blog is intended for. (Hey, I’ve got a free worksheet at the bottom of this post, to help you answer this question!)

2. Who is your site for?

On myĀ About Page, I start with, “Launched in 2013 as a communityĀ for creative entrepreneurs, bloggers, andĀ small bizĀ rockstars, this siteĀ is a quickly growing collective of go-getters from all around the world.”Ā 

That, my friends, was intentional. Why? Because when the right people visit ourĀ About Page, I want them to KNOW it. I want them to immediately realize that this site is created for THEM.Ā I highly recommend specifying who your site is for so that you can quickly connect with the reader. Of course, some people who aren’t “entrepreneurs, bloggers, [or] small biz rockstars” may read that and think that this siteĀ isn’t for them. They may exit out of our site and never come back. But that is a-okay, friends. We want to appeal to theĀ right people, not #allthepeople.

Want some free worksheets to help you plan all of this out? Click the image below to nab ’em!

How to Write a Killer About Me Page for Your Blog (Free Worksheets!) | Struggle with writing about yourself? Want to capture potential readers and turn them into #superfans? Check out our guide to writing a killer about page for your blog or business!

3. Your site’s bio

Sweet, you’ve written a few sentences geared toward your ideal audience. Now what? Many people begin by talking all about themselves, when in actuality, your potential readers are more interested in learning about how your site is going to benefit or interest them. Once they understand that, they’re well on their way to becoming one of your clients (or leads, followers, etc!) Before you get into your personal bio, try to answer these questions:

  1. Why should someone read your blog?Ā Try a sentence like, “If you love X, X, and X, you’ll feel right at home here.”
  2. What will they get out of your posts?Ā Are they going to get fashion inspiration? Business advice? An encouraging community of supportive women? Let ’em know what they can expect.
  3. Which types of posts do you write? Do you have any awesome series that people should know about? Where should they start?
  4. Why does your blog have credibility? This one is pretty flexible. You could listĀ the big-name sites your content has been shared on, talk about how you have X years of experience in a particular field, OR you can let your readers know that you’re still learning, too, but love to share things as you discoverĀ them.
  5. How did your site get started?Ā Don’t be afraid to be personable here and incorporate how your siteĀ came to be. Did you feel inspired after a certain event in your life? Did your passion for your blog’s topic start back in third grade? Tell a story!

4. Your personal bio

Okay peeps, now you finally get to talk all about YOU in your personal bio! In this section, you should mainlyĀ share about your lifeĀ as it relates to your blog or business. What this means is this: don’t share 30 random facts about yourself and nothing else. Your About Page is an interview. Just as you wouldn’t go into a job interview and spew a bunch of random tidbits about yourself, you shouldn’t craft an About Page in this way, either.Ā Instead, talk about how your blog fits into your life — why did you start it? When did your love for X begin?

Now, it’s okay to includeĀ some random, relatable bits of info into this page — in fact, I’d encourage it! Adding things like the city you live in, what your hobbies are, and anything that is very “you” can be a great way to connect with your audience. My only suggestion? Don’t fill your About Page withĀ only this type of information.

5. The biggest thing that most people forget

Now that most of your writing is done, it’s time to wrap it all up into something hugely important that most people never include: a call to action.Ā 

A call to action (or CTA) is something that encourages your readers to…you guessed it, take action! This could be something like asking them to subscribe to your newsletter or toĀ say “hello” to you on Twitter.

The reason why your CTA is SO important is because you want the person reading your About Page to stick around for the long haul. What youĀ don’tĀ want is for someone to read your page, love it, and then totally forget your site exists. Bleh. Asking them to subscribe in some way ensures that they’ll stay up to date.

Also, it’s smart to include your CTA inĀ several placesĀ within your About Page. As much as we’d love for people to read through the entire thing, oftentimes they’ll skip around or skim your content. On my about page, I include a CTA near the top of the page within the text, as well as a visual CTA image at the very bottom.

p.s. Want free worksheets that will help you write your About Page?

Good, because I made some for you! šŸ˜‰ They’re digital worksheets, meaning you can fill them in right on your computer (who has time for printers nowadays?!). To get the worksheets, sign up for our VIP list here or click the image below. Signing up will also give you access to our free library of worksheets, e-books, and resources for bloggers and business owners. #HeckYes.

How to Write a Killer About Me Page for Your Blog (Free Worksheets!) | Struggle with writing about yourself? Want to capture potential readers and turn them into #superfans? Check out our guide to writing a killer about page for your blog or business!

Related: How to Develop Your Own Unique Blogging Voice


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